Race to the top

Peas growing

Sugar snap peas climb strings on our trellises.

The peas are going full tilt now, twirling themselves up the strings I provided, seemingly in a race to the top of the trellis. It’s great fun to watch, which makes the waiting easier as my family anticipates the first sugar snaps that will emerge. In the meantime, we picked a couple strawberries today; the baby lettuce planted earlier this year is yielding greens for salads and sandwiches; and the string beans are on their way, currently about 3 inches tall.

But back to the peas: Don’t forget you can eat the shoots. When the plants are small, selectively snip off the top inch or two and put them in a salad. Or just eat them. The nearly six-year-old daughter of friends visited our garden today and ate a pea shoot. It was old hat to her because she had learned about eating them in the garden at Riverside Elementary, which is tended by garden educator Dorothy Mullen.

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